Victorian Bushfire Relief

For those interested in supporting fire affected communities, wildlife, and the efforts of Victorian firefighters, here are some ways you can help:

Victorian Bush Fire Appeal

The Victorian Government has partnered with Bendigo Bank and The Salvation Army to establish the Victorian Bushfire Appeal. 100% of donated funds will go directly to communities in need.

If you are within Australia and wish to donate – go here

Options for Donors outside of Australia

Donate through website

Go here

When supplying your address details, you will need to put in the following address as it will not accept an overseas address.
Postal Address: PO Box 480
Suburb: Bendigo
State: VIC
Postcode: 3550

If you use your email address for the donation, this will generate an automated tax receipt directly to you.

Donate via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

To make a donation via EFT please use the following bank account details –
Account Number: 150 331 916
BSB Number: 633 000
Bank Account Name: Bushfire Disaster Appeal
Reference: Insert your name and the Name of Appeal you are donating to (VIC Bushfire Disaster Appeal).

To find out more go to

Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund

Zoos Victoria has set up a dedicated Bushfire Emergency Wildlife fund to raise funds for wildlife impacted by the bushfire crisis. To make a donation visit: . Donations will help fund emergency veterinary assistance and scientific intervention.

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